Why do we write research papers
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Japanese Counters Used for Counting Objects
Japanese Counters Used for Counting Objects Lets figure out how to include in Japanese. Each language has an alternate method of checking objects; the Japanese use counters. They are like English articulations, for example, a cup of ~, a sheet of ~, etc. There are an assortment of counters, regularly dependent on the state of the item. Counters are appended legitimately to a number (for example ni-hai, san-mai). Following the following couple of passages, we have included counters for the accompanying classes: objects, span, creatures, recurrence, request, individuals and others. Things which are not plainly sorted or indistinct are checked by utilizing local Japanese numbers (hitotsu, futatsu, mittsu and so forth.). When utilizing a counter, focus on the word request. It is not the same as English request. A normal request is thing molecule amount action words. Here are models. Hon o ni-satsu kaimashita.æÅ" ¬Ã£â€š'ä ºÅ"冚è ² ·Ã£ „㠾ã â€"㠟。I purchased two books.Koohii o ni-hai kudasai.ã‚ ³Ã£Æ' ¼Ã£Æ''ãÆ' ¼Ã£â€š'ä ºÅ'æ ¯Ã£ ã ã •ã „。Please give me two cups of coffee.Another thing weâ want to specify is that when the Japanese gathering objects they partition them into gatherings of five and ten, in contrast to the run of the mill groupings of six and twelve in the West. For instance, sets of Japanese dishes or bowls are sold in units of five. Generally, there was no word for twelve, however it has been utilized on account of Western influence.ObjectsWhen consolidating a number with a counter, the way to express the number or the counter may change.hon æÅ" ¬ - Long, round and hollow items: trees, pens, etc.mai æžš - Flat, slender articles: paper, stamps, dishes, etc.ko 個 - Broad classification of little and smaller objectshai æ ¯ - Liquid in cups, glasses, bowls, etc.satsu 冚 - Bound ar ticles: books, magazines, etc.dai Ã¥ ° - Vehicles, machines etc.kai éšž - The floor of a buildingken ä » ¶ - Houses, buildingssoku è ¶ ³ - Pairs of footwear: sock, shoes, etc.tsuu 通 - LettersDurationjikan 時éâ€" - Hour, as in ni-jikan (two hours)fun 分- Minute, as in go-fun (five minutes)byou ç §' - Second, as in sanjuu-byoo (thirty seconds)shuukan é€ ±Ã©â€" - Week, as in san-shuukan (three weeks)kagetsu ã ‹æÅ"ˆ - Month, as in ni-kagetsu (two months)nenkan Ã¥ ¹'éâ€" - Year, as in juu-nenkan (ten years)Animalshiki Ã¥Å" ¹ - Insects, fish, little creatures: felines, hounds, etc.tou é - Large creatures: ponies, bears, etc.wa ç ¾ ½ - BirdsFrequencykai 回 - Times, as in ni-kai (twice)do Ã¥ º ¦ - Times, as in ichi-do (once)Orderban ç• ª - Ordinal numbers, as in ichi-boycott (in front of the rest of the competition, number one)tou ç ‰ - Class, level, as in san-as well (third place)Peoplenin ä º º - Hitori (one individual) and futari (tw o individuals) are exceptions.mei Ã¥ - More formal than nin.Otherssai æ ³/æ‰ - Age, as in go-sai (five years old)Ippon demo Ninjin is a great kids tune for finding out about counters. Focus on the various counters utilized for every thing.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Illegal Software Use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Illicit Software Use - Essay Example The 2011 BSA Global Software Piracy Study uncovers that the â€Å"Business leaders who concede they every now and again privateer programming are more than twice as likely as other PC clients to state they purchase programming for one PC yet then introduce it on extra machines in their offices,†. The most recent investigation uncovers that various security penetrates stop by known programmers. On this various reports including patches and programming refreshes are introduced. In addition, an addressed is requested the nearness of connection between unlicensed programming and the tirelessness of programming is kept up or not? In such manner the CEO Robert Holleyman, president BSA says, â€Å"It can be a security issue.†Furthermore, he expresses that there is a significant social issue that leads towards utilizing pilfered programming and other security breaks. Be that as it may, in any association the security pass can likewise occur because of blunder of its product and authorizing. The unlicensed and not appropriately recorded programming are progressively inclined to offered inadequate help to the association. As per the Holleyman, the BSA report is established over the IDC advertise information. The term â€Å"gold standard†is expressed by the Hollyman that underpins the deals of PC and programming in overall markets (GNC Articles. 2012). This data is gathered and distributed by Ipsos Public Affairs. The review is held between 14,700 people that have a place with 33 nations in this manner speaking to around 80 percent of the overall programming market (GNC Articles. 2012). The overview results thought of some astounding realities. Around forty two percent of people had introduced he pilfered adaptation of programming that cost around $63.4 billion (GNC Articles. 2012). Be that as it may, this expense can't be guaranteed as the total deficit because of the obscure financial plan of legitimate or illicit introduced programming as refer enced by BSA in the product business. In the United States, the pace of pilfered programming is around nineteen rates since it is considered as the most well behaved nation rate insightful. Truth be told, for the large illicit programming partakes in the U.S. advertise the assessed total assets is roughly around $9.8 billion worth. In the runner up is China (GNC Articles. 2012). It is said that the nation privateers an approximated 77 percent of its product. What's more, this product is of worth about $8.9 billion that stands China in the second spot of unlawful programming after United States. The PC clients in China pay out on normal only $8.89 for the legitimate programming and in the United States this figure is around $127 for each PC. As indicated by the BSA these cost figures for the product associations are speaking to hazard to U.S. financial prosperity. This is because of the baseless forceful bit of leeway that is given to the businesses hence promising them to utilize th e pilfered programming. In like manner, even at the pace of 19 percent programming theft in the United States represents a significant danger to the Information and Communication Technology in the United States (GNC Articles. 2012). Right off the bat, applications or programming originating from a non-real source can be contaminated with infections, vindictive codes, Trojan pony, root units and so forth this forces an immediate danger or dangers. For example, if an activity framework has been obtained from a non-certifiable source, infections can be introduced with the working framework. In like manner, one can't believe programming gave by the merchant and it ought to be tried before actualizing in a live or operational condition of a bank or money related establishment. These fixes can be later on fixed by security refreshes. In the event of pilfered programming, update choices are killed because of the dread of Operating framework approval instruments from the producers. Once
Friday, July 31, 2020
Book Recommendations for Fans of Dream Daddy
Book Recommendations for Fans of Dream Daddy A few short weeks ago, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator arrived on the scene and life has not been the same since. From fan art to fan fiction, these seven men (and their adorable kids) have stolen the collective heart of the entire internet. The dating sims combination of diverse characters (including a trans dad and a trans avatar for players), instantly meme-able art and dialogue, and overall charming style has everyone swooning. Dream Daddys premise is straightforward: your avatar, a lonely single dad, moves to a new town where every man he meets is also a single dad, open for romancing and thats where the fun begins! Here are some books to help you best connect with the dad of your dreams: Mat Cool Dad Sella Who is he? Avid music enthusiast, passionate coffee drinker. You can find him most days selling bean juice over at the Coffee Spoon or hanging out at the park with his amazing daughter. What to read: His passion for music and his rebellious teen daughter make a book like Rani Patel in Full Effect by Sonia Patel a perfect choice to bond with this dad. Joseph Cool Youth Minister Dad Christiansen Who is he? If hes not in church, you can catch this youth minister out on the open water, setting sail on the seas of adventure! He loves playing guitar and crushing his four kids at Candy Land. What to read: If youre looking to better understand the faith of this still-married dad, perhaps try a thoughtful essay collection like Movies Are Prayers: How Films Voice Our Deepest Longings by Josh Larsen. Craig Fitness Dad Cahn Who is he? Dad of three, business entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, and your avatars former college roommate. What to read: Prep to spend more time with this dad by reading the Hanya Yanagihara’s A Little Life, a book that explores multi-decade relationships like yours with Craig. Hugo Teacher Dad Vega Who is he? Middle school and High school teacher, writer of scholarly articles on 18th century literature. Major bookworm. What to read: Really get into the mindset of how books can affect your life with Ann Hoods memoir Morningstar: Growing Up With Books. Bonus: its brand-new, so maybe Hugo hasnt read it yet and you can recommend it to him! Brian Rival Dad Harding Who is he? Your in-game rival is super proud of his prodigy daughter. His hobbies include fishing, grilling, and construction. What to read: Pick up some survival skills in Gabriel Tallents novel My Absolute Darling, which happens to have a young girl as its protagonist a possible way to bond with Brian over his beloved daughter. Damien Goth Dad Bloodmarch Who is he? This dad loves long strolls through graveyards, true crime podcasts, taxidermy, Victorian fashion, and spending time with his son. What to read: Lean into this dads love of true crime and history with City of Light, City of Poison: Magic, Murder, and the First Police Chief of Paris by Holly Tucker. Robert Bad Dad Small Who is he? The games only dad to be estranged from his daughter, Robert can be most often found brooding into a glass of whisky. What to read: There is no shortage of hard-drinking, damaged antiheroes in crime fiction, but wed suggest Attica Lockes Black Water Rising for the way its antihero confronts his inner demons. Save Save
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about Gender Stereotypes Among Childrens Toys
Gender Stereotypes Among Childrens Toys When you walk into the toy section of any store, you do not need a sign to indicate which section is the girls’ side and which section is the boys’ side. Aside from all the pink, purple, and other pastel colors that fill the shelves on the girls’ side, the glitter sticks out a lot as well. The boys’ toys however are mostly dark colors – blue, black, red, gray, or dark green. The colors typically used on either side are very stereotypical in themselves. I noticed the girls’ toys engaged fine motor skills more than the boys’ toys did. The girls have several different types and sizes of dolls to choose from – however, this also makes dolls or items used with dolls (Barbie clothes,†¦show more content†¦The boys’ toys mostly all used gross motor skills. Like the dolls in the girls’ section, the boys have equally as many types of cars or other vehicles to choose from. The boys’ side consisted of mainly three categories all together – 1) action figures, 2) â€Å"role†toys (guns – â€Å"Cops and Robbers†or â€Å"Cowboys and Indians†; ax, helmet, and badge – fireman; and miniature tools for pretending to be a construction worker) 3) cars. I discovered there weren’t really any toys in the boys’ section that didn’t fit in one of these three categories. All the boys toys were very stereotypical. The extreme concentration of cars in the boys’ toys shows the stereotypical attitude that all boys like cars. The toys that weren’t car related all promoted either an aggressive behavior or â€Å"manly†job. Like the girls’ section, very few toys didn’t promote a stereotypical idea. Few toys were aimed equally at both genders. Even board games, while intended for both sexes, usually seemed aimed more towards one gender or another. Both sections had a lot of gender- stereotypical toys. General ideas on girls’ and boys’ behaviors and interests were very prevalent in the toys intended for each gender. After really looking at the toys in both sections it is easy to understand why stereotypical ideas about both genders are so strong since these ideas are introduced at such a youngShow MoreRelatedToys And What They Signify994 Words  | 4 PagesToys and what they signify, which is the free expression of play among children, should be as open and diverse as possible.†(Dubois 2015) Specifically looking at girl stereotypes, toys targeted towards them are packaged in pink, purple and other bright colors of the rainbow. The most popular toys in this demographic are brands like Bratz, Barbie, or Disney Princesses. These dolls can push boundaries on how suggestive their marketing can get. Bratz dolls are usually dressed in skimpy clothing andRead MoreEssay on Gender Stereotype: Gender in The Toy Store1417 Words  | 6 Pagesyourself entering a toy department and noticing numerous diverse aisles. In one aisle, you encounter toys packaged in complementary and color triads colors that include building sets (such as â€Å"LEGO†, â€Å"LEGO Super Heroes†, and â€Å"Angry Birds†) and a wide selection of action figuresâ€â€Spider Man, Transformers, The Dark Knight, Power Rangers, etc. In the next aisle, adjacent to the aisle with complementary and color triads colors, you find toys packaged in shades of pink and purple. These toys range from â €Å"HelloRead MoreThe Problem Among Kids Toys827 Words  | 4 Pages The Problem Among Kids Toys Having grown up with two brothers I was always around toys such as action figures and toy guns. I did not have a sister to play with, so I usually played with my brothers. When I played with them, I started to question why all of their toys were just for boys. Why was there not any women action figures or ones with feminine colors? Gender-stereotyped toys are prohibiting children from a range of skills. Kids preferences are cultured. This means they learn which colorsRead MoreToys as Role Models1114 Words  | 5 PagesToys as Role Models Judy Attfield, who holds a PhD in history and design, has written numerous articles in relation to design history. Her articles, often written in a formal and informative style, concentrate on parenting and family issues. Citing the differences in the maneuverability designs of Barbie and Action Man, which embody the stereotypical clichà © of feminine passivity and masculine activity respectively, â€Å"Barbie and Action Man: Adult toys for girls and boys, 1959-93†(P. Kirkham (EdRead MoreShould There Be Gender Specific Toy Aisles Lining The Rows?992 Words  | 4 PagesShould there be gender specific toy aisles lining the rows in stores? How much does this reassure the sociological idea of gender itself? Does putting restrictions on kids’ toy decisions effect them in a negative way? Research has shown that it is natural for kids to want to experiment with different toys and identities. Pushing kids into a box of what they can, or cannot play limits their true poten tial and imagination. Growing up, people can attest to the memory of them having gone to McDonald’sRead MoreGender Stereotyping : The Development Of Gender Stereotypes1565 Words  | 7 PagesVery few people understand the development of gender stereotyping and how it impacts the younger generation. Gender stereotypes are social expectations of how female and males should act. They are cultural interpretation about how females should be characterized as feminine and like pink, and how boys are stereotyped to be masculine and like the color blue. However, these stereotypes are not natural because they are socially constructed. Social construction is an idea or practice that a group ofRead MoreGender Socialization And Social Control1508 Words  | 7 Pageslarge, gender socialization is a major contributor to identity and self- concept. Gender therefore becomes a characteristic that defines other’s perceptions and evaluations of us. People come to manage gender along with aspects of other aspects of the self by making sure that we are acting in gender-appropriate way (Goffman, 1959, Libby). In itself, the self is a product of social forces and it emerges through socialization. Being that gender is a major function of one’s identity, stereotypes aboutRead MoreA Norm Is A Standard Behavior That Is Expected From A Group1130 Words  | 5 Pagesof what’s around them. Society must alter gender expectations and apply the same rules to both genders to change its mindset on gender norms and to stop rape culture. Altering gender norms at a young age will cause children to see the things they share rather than their differences. Gender norms have inequality between male and female. At a young age, children are taught the difference among themselves. Children can differentiate toys that one gender should play with. For example, girls gravitateRead MoreToys Are An Integral Part Of Our Childhood1671 Words  | 7 Pagesthem to conform to the assigned gender roles and stereotypes. This is mainly done in accordance to their choice of games and toys. Toys are an integral part of our childhood. In some ways, it is the one thing that people from all over the world share in common. As children, toys were a major source of our entertainment and social interaction. However, the booming population of children and the growth of toy industry has resulted in the commercialization of childhood. Toys have been an effective methodRead MoreWomen s Social And Mental Development1439 Words  | 6 Pagescharacters, but creates unrealistic and falsified interpretation of what it mean to be a specific gender. As a result, it can be seen that today’s modern western pop cultural, has become globalized into an industry of gender roles in which has transformed mainstream television, commercial ads, movies and toys. Stereotypical traits have been assigned to each gender and has become a significant problematic concern among adults in raising children. With the significant rise for entertainment in mainstream filmography
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Human Resource Management An Effective Management Of...
Human resource management provides way through which people can be managed within the organization. It is being considered as one of the most important function for any company (Bernardin and et. al., 2011). This is because, it is with the help of the given concept only an effective management of individual can be carried out within enterprise. In addition to this, given department has the basic function of carrying out the recruitment, selection and training and development of the employees. For the given report Qbic hotel is selected. It is small but rapidly growing hotel that operates its function in London City. It has its first branch situated in financial business centre of Amsterdam and in the year 2013 hotel had opened its second branch of Qbic in London City in Whitechapel.. The report will depict about the role that human resource department plays in achieving and raising the effectiveness of the organization. In addition to this, the study will also showcases the way thro ugh which HR related strategies and practices that can be developed by manager of Qbic hotel with an aim to ensure the success of its organization in the specific market. Further, the report will also showcase upon the way through which an effective framework for strategic human resource management can be framed by the organization. SECTION 1 TASK 1 Defining the concept of strategic human resource management The concept of strategic human resource management (SHRM) is that, the type ofShow MoreRelated HR roles and responsibilities Essay1121 Words  | 5 Pagesit is very important to remember how effective planning and development play an important role in the overall success of the organization. The ability to plan and execute an effective strategy is only as good as the people that are placed in the positions to make these decisions. It is crucial to have an aggressive team that will be both competitive and motivated to carry out the objectives set forth. Not only is it important to understand how these individuals will effect the organization but alsoRead MoreHuman Resource Management And How Does It Affect An Organization?1510 Words  | 7 Pagesquestion, â€Å"What is Human Resource Management and how does it affect an organization?†According to Management Study Guide (n.d.), human resource management is the practice of managing individuals in an organization through an organized and systematic method. Human resource management affects an organization by executing the procedures and policies and warranting that the complaints of employees are taken care of. Given the different roles taken on by the human resource management, it is vital to theRead MoreHuman Resource Management : A Competitive Advantage Essay1352 Words  | 6 PagesIV. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE â€Å"It allows a firm to gain an edge over rivals when competing. It comes from a firm’s ability to perform activities more distinctively and more effectively than rivals. †Competitive advantage refers to the ability of an organization to formulate strategies for the exploitation of opportunities that are to be presented in external environment. Liberalization created a hyper-competitive environment to respond to this turbulence, Indian organizationsRead MoreDifferent Approaches For Human Resource Management Essay1517 Words  | 7 Pagesthe human resource team need to find which strategy could be effective for the organization. There could be two different approaches for human resource managers which are best practices as well as best fit model. The proponent of best practice model state a bundle of human resource policies that include reward system whereas the best fit approaches promotes that, reward system should be aligned to the strategy of the organization. The human resource team members need to identify the effective measuresRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1562 Words  | 7 PagesHuman resource management (HRM) is an important st rategic and systematic approach that provides each company with the opportunity to create policies and practices, as well as to establish administrative forms (Pfeffer, 2007). According to Armstrong (2009) HRM is an approach that deals with ‘employment, development, and well-being of the people working in organizations’. However HRM has evolved significantly through the years due to the rapid social, economic, political and environmental changes.Read MoreHuman Resource Management and the Impact of Information Technology1361 Words  | 6 PagesHuman Resource Management and the Impact of Information Technology Is the impact of information technology changing Human Resource Management? Information, technology impact is changing the whole concept of how the work place is managed, and I will point out the changes and enhancements to Human Resource Management and the employees. The information technology can save everyone time and expense once he or she learns how to use it efficiently. Human Resource will be impacted more than any otherRead MoreSafety And Health Of Human Resource Management Essay1541 Words  | 7 Pages Safety and health in human resource management Martha Mbugua East Centarl University Safety and health in human resource management Introduction Human resource management in any organization is responsible for various aspects that concern the employees. Safety and health is one aspect the human resource professionals oversee in any given workplace environment (Clarke, Ward, 2006).Human resource professionals have a significantRead MoreAn Investigation On Hrm Practices Essay1521 Words  | 7 PagesRenjith K.P., 3 Lakshmi.K.R 1 Asst.Professor, Dept. of Management Studies, Siena College Edacochin. 2 Asst.Professor, Dept. of Commerce, Siena College Edacochin. 3 Asst.Professor, Dept. of Commerce, Siena College Edacochin. ABSTRACT Human Resource Management is a practice of bringing people and organizations together so that the goals of each are met. It is the part of the management practices which is concerned with the management of human resources is an organization. It tries to secure the best fromRead MoreSummary of Human Resource Management1577 Words  | 7 Pagesvery important that human research management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to strategic partner. The reason is it important is because the human resource department plays a crucial role in determining the culture of an organization. Human resources promote and implement policies and procedures. The key areas are hiring practices, compensation, management relations and employee conduct and behavior. The decisions made by the human resources department will effectRead MoreHuman Resource Management ( Hrm )1105 Words  | 5 PagesHuman Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an association that ha s emphases on the employment of, administration of, and providing direction for the employees within an organization. The Human Resource Management department members deliver knowledge, training, tools, administrative services, and lawful and organization advice. The HRM department is organized by very talented managers who has a mission to make sure the rest of the business has the needs for successful operation. Human
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cabeza de Vaca Free Essays
The Narrative of Cabeza de Vaca: Attitude Towards the Native Indians In The Narrative of Cabeza de Vaca, we follow the journey of Cabeza de Vaca to one of the earliest conquests to the New World. De Vaca’s perspective was not like that of conventional conquerors, but he was rather an anthropologist who accepted other cultures and traditions. De Vaca was an advocate for better treatment of Indians, which lead to him being convicted and sent to Africa. We will write a custom essay sample on Cabeza de Vaca or any similar topic only for you Order Now This action alone speaks volumes about the heightened prejudice that fueled in the minds of the Europeans against the Native Indians. In The Narrative of Cabeza de Vaca, we witness the superior and greedy attitude of the European conquistadors, which later evolves to a civil and sympathetic view. During the 16th Century, European attitude towards Indians was dehumanizing as they felt that the Native Indians were inferior to them because they didn’t have European characteristics of blue eyes and blonde hair . The European conquistadors were looking for new land in hopes to live, seek gold and gather wealth. Europeans enslaved the Native Indians and tried to force them off the land, thus the Indians had to fight back. Religious missionaries tried to convert the Indians to Christianity, they believed that this was the right thing to do because the Indians were superstitious and savage. Due to this perception of Europeans, Cabeza de Vaca suffered greatly because of his sympathy for Native Indians. Like most European explorers, Cabeza de Vaca was inclined towards their conquest. Cabeza de Vaca expressed sympathy and somewhat superiority towards the Indians, while welcoming their hospitable nature throughout the expedition in order to justify his entitlement to their land. As him and his Spanish conquistadors made their westward journey, they encountered many obstacles, such as natural disasters and the initial captivity by the Native Indians. During his almost decade long odyssey, Cabeza de Vaca went through many transformations from being a conquistador to a slave, then a trader, and then a spiritual healer who was regarded almost as God by the Native Indians. This shows how his perception and understanding changed over time, as he bonded more with the Native Indians. Although, initially, he was at the receiving end of brutality by the hands of the Native Indians, later he developed an amiable relationship with them, which resulted in him becoming an advocate for the better treatment of the Native Indians later on. Due to this, he faced great challenges and punishment, and was sent to Africa. Also, Cabeza de Vaca learned many valuable survival skills from the Native Indians during his journey there. The Narrative of Cabeza de Vaca takes us through a voyage of transforming attitudes from the initial enslavement of the conquistadors by the Native Indians, to the creation of a pleasant relationship with them later. During this expedition, we witness the changing view of Cabeza de Vaca, from a egocentric European conqueror to an advocate for the Native Indians. The penalization of Cabeza de Vaca for speaking up for the better treatment of Native Indians demonstrates the biased and repugnant attitude of the Europeans during the 16th Century. How to cite Cabeza de Vaca, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Training And Development Training Plan free essay sample
It seems fairly obvious that the two correlate tit one another but there are many businesses that lack the vision and follow through to keep these two inseparable principles together. Admittedly, I believe my company, J. Crew, falls into the category of a business that does provide good customer service but lacks the ability to really develop its people in a way that can surpass customer service as a standard and make it a part of the culture.One of the strategic goals in our company is to increase customer service by providing a customer-centric atmosphere. Believe this goal can be accomplished with the right systems in place. Exceptional customer service is delivered by exceptional people. Before we can be sure that we are meeting the needs of our customers and providing quality service, we need to be able to retain, develop and invest in employees first.The programs and training that I would like to implement are employee incentives programs, which will consist of both financial and non-financial incentives, and a mentor program which in and of itself serves as a non- financial incentive in that it gives employees more responsibility while affirming their worth to the company. We will write a custom essay sample on Training And Development Training Plan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It also identifies key employees as traders whose responsibility is to help develop other employees and stand in the gap where management may not be able to reach.The mentors program also bench trains potential future managers and helps cultivate the skills to be able to effectively and confidently manage a team. An extrapolation of this training can be illustrated in this order: Leadership training that both empowers and develops employees will further enhance employees attitude by upholding their worth which will lead to a higher quality and standard of customer service that ultimately will be the bridge in accomplishing the strategic objective of creating a customer-centric atmosphere while building brand loyalty and ensuring repeat business.This ripple effect can be applied throughout all businesses and as a future HRS manager believe it is important to be able to identify, assess and build solutions through training like this or comparable to it. Training Needs Analysis Organizational Analysis: In conducting an organizational analysis it was found that not only are there increases in customer complaints in comparison to last year, but there is also poor employee morale in addition to a lower employee retention rate.These exults were traced back to middle management where it was found that poor leadership and a lack of clear communication gave cause to these results. The purpose of this training will not only train managers in effective communication and leadership but will also provide the opportunity to develop potential leaders within the company. All managers will be held accountable in facilitating a successful implementation of this program. Leadership sustained by effective communication are the defining attributes that sets the rest of this training up for success.Missions and Strategies: J. CreWs corporate governance statement says that, J. Crew strives to maintain standards that will provide our customers, associates, and shareholders with assurance that our excellence resides not only in the superior design of our merchandise, but in every aspect of our business (J. Crew, 2014). On the organizational level J. Crew strives to create a Customer- centric atmosphere. The purpose of this training plan is to better align our people with that objective.After conducting an analysis, it has been decided to move forward with not only a training program that develops and empowers the employees to better cultivate a customer-centric attitude but also incentives to initiate and bolster the training received. Resources and Allocation of Resources: Capital Resources: J. Crew has decided to invest an extra one million dollars into this proposed training plan. The additional money will be invested in payroll hours to complete all necessary training and will take place inside each home store.Human Resources: Each store will have one HRS consultant for the management team who will be responsible for providing all training tools to be disseminated. The consultant and management team will work together to oversee all training processes. In addition, there will be two subordinates or mentors to the management team who will be developed by the managers and will actively participate in training as well as execute all other training needs. Organizational Environment J.Crews goal is to create a place where work, individual growth, knowledge, skill enhancement and fun meet together in a blend to reflect the very employees it strives to create. Efficient communication is vital for the continual success of this program. Top and middle managers who can effectively and efficiently communicate with customers and staff are key to insuring this training aligns with the companys objectives. Operational Analysis Several methods Of analysis including employee feedback, job observation and job questionnaires were used to collection data and identify training needs.One of the major issues that this analysis found was the lack of effective communication and follow through from managers to subordinates. This resulted in employees with underdeveloped communication and customer service skills, low morale, and therefore unmotivated to perform to the standard that]. Crew has set forth. The summary of the findings are as follows: Methods People Rest Its Questionnaires were completed Managers and associates Large gap in communicating expectations from both managers and associates. Interviews were conducted Customers In researching all customer complaints within the last year, it was found in roughly 7 out of 10 complaints, customers felt neglected during their interaction with managers and/or associates. Job Observations Assessment of job satisfaction showed most managers and associates were dissatisfied with the current working environment. Person Analysis Soaks Managers Ability to support the operation of a profitable building through successful ailing floor supervision and management of division of responsibility.Knowledge of customer focus: leads by example by providing quality customer service. Ability to take ownership of self- development Skilled in training team on J. Crew standards. Associates Ability to sell the world of J. Crew with quality and commitment. Ability to represent a helpful, friendly customer focus at all times. Skilled in effective and professional communication which upholds J. Crew standards and GU nines at all times. Some managers are lacking the necessary communication skills because they ever received the proper training or mentoring.The gap in communication has created a lack of follow through in communication from managers to associates thus leaving associates ineffective in their ability to deliver J. Crews quality service standards. The success of any associate or manager will be contingent on the development of each individual from the start. To assist in the development of individuals, the mentors program will provide support to management in communicating policies and expectations. Mentors will be able to bridge the gap in cultivating associates knowledge, skills and abilities.Performance Discrepancies Lack of clear, concise information regarding quality and standards. Little to no follow through on development of associates. Poor allocation of time and resources. No feedback system in place to objectively measure performance. Low retention rate. Low employee morale. Training Needs Minimization of overall communication. Measurement systems of employee progress and performance. Daily coaching moments on standards, quality and customer service. Improved recruitment and selection strategies. Argue focus on employee orientation. Utilization of small group training techniques. Better corrective action strategies. The attitudes and motivations of the employees are an uncontrollable element in this training. However, effective follow through and communication Of standards and expectations will greatly reduce the propensity for non-compliance with standards of employment. Leadership and Customer Service Training Design A. ) Design I. Method of Training: Training will start from designated HRS trainer within each store to management team who will then carry out the training to mentors and associates. Various methods of training will be utilized to maximize overall training. These methods will include monthly webzines, group presentations, small group discussions concerning the material in group presentations, role playing within small group setting and videos for enhanced learning. II. Time Allocation Training will occur on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for two weeks. Training will be delivered to management first and will start at 7:AMA and end at 9:AMA. Training will then be disseminated to mentors every Monday and Wednesday from 7:AMA to 9:AMA for two weeks. After the initial two weeks, J. Crew will continue to do leadership and customer service webzines ND send training tools the last Monday of every month for management to pass on to mentors and associates. Ill. Number of Trainees During the two week training period for management, the amount of trainees will be dependent upon how many managers are in a store per training session. There will always be two trainees for every mentors training session. IV. Mandatory Training All training is mandatory for J. Crew employees, especially managers. Much of the managements experience is not backed in the level of training that is necessary to be in alignment with J.Crew standards. The training is being put n place to set all employees up for success. Maximal success ultimately depends on the individual but the investment in our people is one of J. Crews focuses. The training being provided is also geared to help cultivate interpersonal skills that will lead to better relationships in every context. V. On or Off-Site Training Training will take place on site at every J. Crew location inside of the store. B. ) Training Objectives This training is essential for all J. Crew employees to receive.In order to better align with company objectives this training will serve as the bridge to any gaps that are currently hindering that process. It is especially useful for managers who may possess good technical skill but lack communication and leadership skills. L. Training Reaction Objectives After trainees have gone through the training they will know how to: Increase overall communication between management and employees. Identify training moments and know how to lead by example. Provide feedback to employees. Cultivate coaching strategies. Improve employee morale. Know how to turn negative feedback into constructive feedback. II.Learning Objectives This training will provide trainees with the knowledge and tools to successful dervish and communication skills by: Identifying top talent through recruiting and selection training to build a team of the best and brightest (Managers). Communicating quality standards effectively to peers as well as associates. Understanding how to better track employee performance and create effective action plans. Demonstrating all of the training tools learned from training in daily interaction. Improving employee retention rates. Understanding how to navigate through conflicts in the workplace with clear and concise communication. Analyzing different personality types within the am to understand how to best approach and teach individuals. Ill. Transfer of Training Objectives Once trainees have successfully completed this training program they will be able to: Manage turnover rates more efficiently Improve overall store morale and environment Be more aligned with J. CreWs standard of creating a more customer-centric atmosphere. Effectively utilize hiring and selection tools. Evaluate performance using feedback and evaluations. Demonstrate leadership and communication skills that will ultimately impact the business. Be more people-focused and develop talent within the store. Be successful and positive motivators of themselves and those around them. IV. Organizational Objectives The completion of the training will yield benefits to the organization in the following ways: Create brand loyalty through the delivery of J. Crews quality standards consistently. Increase employee retention rates thus lowering costs. Provide bench training to mentors that will create manager-ready associates. Increase employee satisfaction. Create a store atmosphere of quality and service that will noticeably affect our customers.Be in alignment with our organizational strategy of creating a customer-centric atmosphere. Training Methods Our vision and goal for this training is to fully empower our associates and deposit within them the training they need. We think the best way to accomplish this is to take a variety of methods that will bolster their learning and make it a seamless transaction from training they receive to their role in the store. Starting with the managers, all the way through the associates we want to create a team that is well rounded, knowledgeable, and empowered to make the right decision thats best for the customer in every and any situation.Through their blended learning and training J. Crew associates will have all the resources at their disposal to cultivate their Soaks. Lectures We will use lectures as the opening platform before every training session. The lecture will consist of the training objectives for the day as well as a brief overview and summary Of what the training will entail and what we hope to transfer to the associates. We will also explain what other training methods we will use that day and also use this time to give a summary of the training subject being discussed that day i. . Customer Service: How to Engage the Customer. Powering Proponents will be used as a supplemental resource during the lecture. The Proponents main purpose is to give a description, illustration, and visual representation of the training objectives. It will also serve to provide a summary of what training material we will be covering that day. Interactive Multimedia Interactive multimedia will be one of the methods used to go over and train associates on situational strategies.Some of these situational strategies will include, situational leadership, in the moment and general coaching strategies, and enhancing customer service dialogue. The objective in this raining is to psychologically immerse the trainee in the environment so that they will be equipped to handle any situation that may arise. Computer- Based Training Computer-based training will provide an in depth look at the training topic being discussed. From J. CreWs perspective, the trainee will learn what is expected and explain the importance of the training being administered.Also, CB will include top level managements vision and hope for the trainee to make for a more familial environment and hear from top executives why they believe in the training topic being discussed and how to it relates or the organizations goals. Role-Play Role-play will be used to increase retention and knowledge through interaction with other trainees and the trainer. All role-play will be used to put into practice what was gone over through the lecture as well as the interactive media and computer-based training. There will be four different types of role-play used to maximize the training objectives.These four role- play types consist of spontaneous role-play, single role-play, multiple role- play, and role rotation. Spontaneous role-play will be used to give insight to attitudes and behaviors and will be used to start the role-play training. Next, ingle role-play will allow for One Of the trainees to give a demonstration Of what topic is being learned and addressed. Then multiple role play will be used for all trainees to interact together and play out scenarios that are in conjunction with the training objective or topic that day.Lastly, role-rotation will be used to provide a fully interactive training and provide time for questions and answers during each scenario. Training Development Facilities All training will occur within each J. Crew store. The training will take place in the back of the store as well as the front before the store opens. The back of he store provides plenty of space for the lectures and e-training whereas the front provides enough for engaging in role plays and other demonstrations that offer real life scenarios for the associates. Doing the training on the sales floor allows the trainees to adapt to the knowledge and skills they are acquiring and makes for a seamless transition into their abilities. It also makes the environment familiar to be able to apply all of the training. Trainers There will be one designated HRS trainer per store. This trainer is responsible for the delivery of the training to all managers and mentors. Each trainer is experienced and qualified in their ability to effectively communicate and lead teams to become a team that is continuously improving.Each trainer has been certified in the companys Training and Development Certification test and has to be renewed every year. Each trainer also has at least two years of training and development experience and have been with company for three years or more. Trainers are well rounded in their knowledge of the company, technical skills, and their ability to communicate diversely and effectively. Equipment The following is a list of equipment that will be used to supplement and make revision for training: A U shaped table as well as chairs for small group discussions and for trainees to sit during lectures.Powering to help supplement lectures and training content. Computers for E-based training and to provide Proponents. Books, notepads, pens, and binders for all training materials. A trainers binder that contains all training subjects that will be covered. DVDs that provide instructional video. T. V. For the trainees to watch instructional videos. Refreshments during various breaks for trainer and trainees. Training Evaluation The training evaluation is the final element of the training plan. Evaluations will be conducted throughout the training as well as after the training to better asses and measure the results.Trainees will not only be expected to retain all of the information administered to them but also be able to apply it. This will be accomplished through the use of questionnaires, quizzes, and performance evaluations. The training evaluation will occur across four different levels to effectively assess overall training. Each area of evaluation will also provide insight to the trainer to better assess where the training could be most effective or where emphasis is needed. Measuring Trainees Reaction: This evaluation will be administered one to two weeks after the training which will score the training they received.Through the use of questionnaires we will ask their thoughts on the subject matter, the relevance of the training, as well as the delivery of the training from the trainee. This will also help shape feedback on where strengths and weaknesses of the training are. Measuring Trainees Learning: An evaluation of the training will be administered after each training session. The trainees will be given a quiz over the material covered which will include rue and false as well as short answer questions to better gauge measurable results. These tests will be geared towards overall retention and understanding of the material.They will also provide insight into where trainers may need to be more effective. All quizzes will be electronically based for to better track and analyze data. Measuring Trainees Transfer of Skills: This evaluation will be a measurement of behavior and progress. This will be administered 2-3 months after the training and will gauge the transfer of training and how well the associate has been able to utilize the training that was given. The evaluation will also be administered every quarter to better track progress and ensure optimal performance. The results of these evaluations will also be measured against pre-training evaluations and training deficiencies described earlier in the training plan. Organizational Rest Its: implementation and execution of training will provide the organization with the following results: Higher employee morale. Increase employee retention rates thus lowering costs. Provide the exceptional managers who will be well rounded in their technical and interpersonal skills. Deliver continual, ever-increasing personalized arrive to customers. Provide bench training to mentors that will create manager-ready associates.
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