Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Fidelity Is Not A Sense Of Fidelity - 2126 Words

Fidelity is faithfulness to a person, cause or belief demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. It seems that we as humans strive to obtain a sense of fidelity, yet they cannot when it comes to their relationships with others. Individuals are incapable of remaining committed in relationships. This has been proven through not only psychological research, but in literature as well. In the scholarly articles from Psychology Today, it states that Americans seem to value the idea of fidelity and faithfulness, but have a hard time achieving it. The researchers believe that individuals suffer from marital myths, that in turn can cause a partner to commit acts of adultery. This happened directly with the character John from The Miller’s†¦show more content†¦They find a different outlet for their need. Humans cannot seem to find happiness with only one person, they stray off showing that they cant be loyal or committed to anything in life. Temptation was also a resoundin g reason throughout the article. Individuals see someone else, who they may see as a challenge or simply someone who draws their attention, and lack of better judgement kicks in. â€Å"†¦Many of us are tempted by the delights of the new, especially those of the sexual variety.† People become unsatisfied and indulge in pleasure with a new partner. According to the researchers, individuals seem to be incapable of following through to the promises they made to their significant other. The vow of for better or for worse seems to be forgotten because they cannot commit to the meaning behind those words. They contradict themselves, they say they love their partner, but are unfaithful behind their back. But sometimes infidelity can root in simply just not being happy with who you are with anymore. They just don t make you feel the way you felt when you had first gotten together. The relationship is no longer enjoyable and becomes a burden. Essentially, individuals are susceptib le to cheat, and sometimes the temptation and curiosity becomes too overwhelming to fight. Many of these ideas are

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