Saturday, January 25, 2020

Effects Of Work Place Ionising Radiation Construction Essay

Effects Of Work Place Ionising Radiation Construction Essay There have been increased concerns about the effects of work place ionising radiation on the health and safety of workers over the years. As we go along, this paper will show and compare legislation pertaining to work place exposure to ionising radiation in Trinidad and Tobago and the European Union. 1.1 What is Radiation? Radiation is energy that is transmitted, absorbed or emitted in the form of particles or a wave. Emissions emanating from radiation are all around us and can be absorbed readily by the human body causing adverse health effects. Radiation can be used to cure diseases and diagnose aliments. It can be transmitted from a variety of sources, be they natural (sun, cosmic, terrestrial, internal radiation or radon) or man-made (power supply, nuclear power plants, industrial activities, light sources, etc.). Radiation can be in the form of Ionising or Non-Ionising. For the purpose of this assignment we shall be discussing Ionising Radiation. 1.2 What is Ionising Radiation? Ionising radiation is radiation that is energetic enough when interacting with an atom detaches the electrons causing the atom to become ionized or charged. Ionising radiation can be broken down into three (3) different types: Alpha particles contains two protons and two neutrons and is emitted from uranium or radium, it can be stopped by sheet of paper or skin. Beta particles contains essentially electrons and is emitted from radioactive elements, it can penetrate the skin. It can be stopped by aluminum foil or plastic. Gamma rays contain pure energy and are similar to x-rays and it is also emitted from isotopes. It can penetrate (pass through) the body and can only be stopped by water, thick concrete or lead. DISCUSSION 2.1 Literature review For the purpose of this assignment we will be looking at legislation dealing with work place exposure to Ionising Radiation in Trinidad and Tobago and the United Kingdom. Trinidad and Tobago does not have a specific legislation dealing with ionising radiation. The Radiation Protection Working Group was formulated in 2006 at the request of the Ministry of Health of Trinidad and Tobago to draft such a legislation, but this have not yet become law. Taking this in mind we therefore look to the Occupational Safety and Health Act Amended 3 of 2006 which is not specific about regulations dealing with work place exposure to ionising radiation. On the other hand, when we look to the United Kingdom for legislation pertaining to ionising radiation, we find a vast source of information ranging from Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 and the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000. I have chosen to look at the United Kingdom Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 as it pertains to work place exposure to radiation. 2.2 Trinidad and Tobago Occupational Safety and Health Act Amended 3 of 2006 According to the Trinidad and Tobago Occupational Safety and Health Act Amended 3 of 2006 which states that every employer has a duty of care to his employees, he must then take all reasonable practicable steps to ensure the safety, health and welfare of said employees in his employ. In order to accomplish this, the employer must perform a suitable and sufficient risk assessment to identify all the hazards that an employee will be exposed to while performing a job or task in his employ. The employer is then required to reduce these risks associated with said hazards to as low as reasonably practicable. The Occupation Safety and Health Act Amended 3 of 2006 states that a code of practice can be adopted by the employer but does not specify, it is left solely to the discretion of the employer. When dealing with work place exposure to ionising radiation the employer can implement the best practice begin used in said field. One such best practice to manage ionising radiation in the workplace, is Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series for health and safety management systems (OHSAS 18001 certification). 2.3 United Kingdom Ionising Radiation Regulation 1999 The United Kingdom Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 came into full force in 2000 and replaced the 1995 Ionising Radiations Regulations. This Regulation pertains to ionizing radiation associated with the work place and not from natural sources. The Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 has forty one (41) regulations arranged in seven (7) parts and nine (9) Schedules, They are as follows; Part 1 Regulations 1 4 Interpretation of terms and General requirements Part 2 Regulations 5 12 General principles and procedures. Regulations 5 and 6 require employers to notify the HSE if and when working with ionizing radiation, a license must be acquired for working with x-rays, etc. Regulation 7, a risk assessment is required before any work involving radiation can begin. When all potential hazards have been identified, it is the duty of the employer to take all steps that are reasonably practicable to prevent accidents, limit the consequence if said accident occurs and provide employees with the equipment, training and information to prevent their exposure to ionising radiation. Regulation 8 deals with restriction of exposure, the dose employees or any other persons may be exposed to within any calendar year. It also deals with requirements for physical means and written procedures to protect employees. Regulation 9 deals with personal protective equipment; it must meet PPE Regulations 1992. And that said equipment must be stored and kept in good working condition. Regulation 10 deals with the maintenance and examination of engineering controls (warning devices, safety features) PPE, etc. Regulation 12 requires employers to prepare contingency plans and rehearsals of said plan. Part 3 Regulations 13 15 deals with the arrangements for the management of radiation protection. Regulation 13 controls the appointment of radiation protection advisers, which can be contracted by the employer. These advisers have the duty of making local laws for safe conduct of work and ensure proper supervision of work. Regulation 14 deals with general training and information. Regulation 15 requires co-operation between employers where by if one organization is at risk because of the operations of other, the exchange of information to ensure full compliance with the Regulation. Part 4 Regulations 16 19 covers designation of controlled and supervised areas and their monitoring. Regulation 17 deals with local rules (written procedures and contingency plans) and the appointment of radiation protection supervisors. Regulation 18 deals with additional requirements for designated areas (warning signs, restrictions on access, dose assessment, radioactive contamination, records for non-classified workers, etc). Regulation 19 requires the monitoring of designated areas (tests on instruments and keeping records). Part 5 Regulations 20 26 deals with the classification and monitoring of persons. Regulation 20 deals with the designated of classified persons, (those employees who are likely to receive more than the specified dose). Regulation 21 deals with dose assessment and recording for classified persons. Regulation 22 deals with the estimated dose and special entries. Regulation 23 deals with dosimetry (measuring the dose of radiation emitted by a radioactive source) for accidents, etc. Regulation 24 requires medical surveillance to employees (classified persons, non-classified persons and persons about to be classified). Regulation 25 deals with the investigation and notification of overexposure by employers who must keep the record for at least fifty (50) years. Regulation 26 deals with modified dose limitation for overexposed employees. Part 6 Regulations 27 33 makes arrangement for the control of radioactive substances, articles and equipment. Regulation 27 states that wherever practically possible all radioactive materials should be in the form of a sealed source. These sealed sources must be tested for leaks every two (2) years and records kept. Regulation 28 requires employers to account for all radioactive substances for two (2) years from date of origination or from the date of disposal. Regulation 29 deals with the keeping and moving of radioactive substances. Regulation 30 requires employers to notify the HSE of certain occurrences (i.e. accidental release, loss or theft) and the employer must undertake an investigation to confirm these occurrence or otherwise. This investigation record must be kept for fifty (50) years if such incident never occurred it must be kept for two (2) years. Regulation 31 imposes duties on manufactures, installers and employers in relation to equipment used for medical exposure. Regulation 32 requires employers to investigate any defective medical equipment and keep record of the results for fifty (50) years if overexposure has resulted from undergoing treatment. Regulation 33 deals with the misuse or interference with sources of ionising radiation, which is prohibited. Part 7 Regulations 34 41 deals with the duties of the employees and miscellaneous provisions. Regulation 34 deals with general duties of the employees (employee must not knowingly expose themselves, where PPE is provided employee must take full advantage of said equipment, must take annual medical examination). Regulation 35 deals with the approval of dosimetry services and issues of certificate by HSE. Regulation 36 deals with defence on contraventions i.e. (Regulation 6 advance notice to HSE of intent to commence work with radiation, 7 deals with prior risk assessment if not initially met can be complied with at a later date, 27 prevention of leakage suppliers written assurance that the Regulation is fully complied with. Regulation 37 deals with exemption certificates by HSE if the regulations are not appropriate. Regulation 38 deals with extensions outside Great Britain. Regulation 39 deals with the transition from Ionising Radiation Regulation 1985 to the Ionising Radiation Reg ulation 1999. Regulation 40 and 41 deals with the modification in relation to the Ministry of Defence and revocation and saving. 2.4 TT OSH ACT AMENDED 3 OF 2006 vs. UK IRR 99 When we look at the Occupational Safety and Health Act Amended 3 of 2006 compared to the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999, you have to understand and interpret the Osh Act when dealing with ionising radiation because you cannot say that it does not have legislation about it. It may not be specific but it is there, being ignorant of the law is not an excuse. On the other hand the IRR 99 spells out the law to you when dealing with work place ionising radiation. The Osh Act 2006 does not specify regulations to deal with work place exposure to ionising radiation, whereas the IRR 99 sets out specific regulations about handling, storing, specific dose limitations for employees (women of child bearing age, persons under 18, etc), procedures to follow (system of work, permit to work), accidental release, contingency plans, designated areas, training, monitoring, engineering controls and redesign features. The Osh Act 2006 requires employers to perform a suitable and sufficient risk assessment to identify all hazards associated with tasks undertaken by employees. The IRR 99 specifies that a suitable and sufficient risk assessment must be done before any work with radiation is to commence. The IRR 99 makes specific requirements for the employer to protect his employees from ionising radiation. The Osh Act 2006 is vague on this issue and the responsibility is left solely on the employer to ensure the safety of his employees against ionising radiation and the best practice in that industry is utilized. CONCLUSION The United Kingdom Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 contains certain requirements that must be met on: Risk assessments and notifications Dose limitation Control methods of radioactive substances Record-keeping Regulation of work with ionising radiation Safety of articles and equipment Dosimetry and medical surveillance Monitoring of ionizing radiation This Regulation makes reference to the employer, safety representatives, radiation protection advisers and supervisors and the health and safety officers of their roles and responsibilities. Whereas Trinidad and Tobago Occupational Health and Safety Act Amended 3 of 2006 does not specify requirements for work place ionizing radiation. The Act can be interpreted as the employer must take all reasonable practicable steps to ensure safety, health and the welfare of his employees. In accomplishing this, the employer must conduct a suitable and sufficient risk assessment identifying all the hazards that an employee will be exposed to while performing a job or task in his employ. The employer must then reduce these risks associated with said hazards to as low as reasonably practicable. The United Kingdom IRR 99 Legislation was used as a guide to draft an Ionising Radiation Regulation for Trinidad and Tobago, this, as stated before has not yet become Law. The draft Ionising Radiation Regulation will set out: Frame work for emergency preparedness Safety Standards for protection of workers and the general public Road Transport Regulations Use and disposal of radioactive materials Environmental Protection Contaminated land Regulations Measures for safe use of high activity sealed radioactive sources and orphaned sources Due to the increase in the use of radiation sources in the industrial and medical sectors, this Regulation is needed to govern the use of ionising radiation in Trinidad and Tobago. Word Count: 2100 words

Friday, January 17, 2020

Formative Strictly Ballroom

Texts represent certain perspectives on belonging which challenge us to understand our own world. This is evident in the film â€Å"Strictly Ballroom† directed by Baz Luhrmann. The style of the film is â€Å"Red Curtain† cinema which means conveys the ballroom dancing world is surreal and artificial. This film explores what it means to belong or not belong to a well-defined group. This is presented through the opening sequence by showing how Scott, Fran and Doug don’t belong to the group of ballroom dancers. The director grew up in the world of ballroom competitions.Luhrmann’s purpose was to be able to tell a story in his own particular way, â€Å"telling our own stories in our own way that is what the film is about for me†. The opening scenes explore aspects of not belonging and no being accepted. The ballroom dancing group demonstrates a veneer of belonging. The group itself is the same in appearance and behaviour but lacks emotional connection wi th other. They value tradition and authority. To belong to this world means sacrificing individual identity. A high angle shot is used to show the dancers competing in the competition, it also show the walls of the room they are dancing in.This represents their confinement to the outside world as well as their conformity because they are all dancing the same steps. We understand that when people conform to a group they become restricted and separated from the rest of the world. The close ups of Barry Fife and the judges sitting above the dancers shows that they have more power. This symbolises that they have authority within the ballroom dancing group and are the people that enforce the tradition of strict rules and regulations.From this we understand that when there is authority and power in a group there are rules to be followed that stop people from having an individual identity. The make-up of the women defines them as belonging to a certain group and symbolises their values, fo r example the women of the ballroom dancing wear bright and over the top coloured make-up. This represents them as being ‘fake’ due to being part of an artificial world. The idea of them all having exaggerated make-up tells us they all belong to the one group. From this we understand that to belong to certain groups you have must conform to their ways.The idea of not belonging is also conveyed in the opening sequence. This is represented through peoples’ individual choices and the exclusion of those who do not fit in. Scott Hastings is the protagonist in the film and as an individual he chooses not to belong. He chooses to dance his own steps, meaning he doesn’t conform and therefore does not belong. Scott shows rebellion in the first scenes where he challenges the authority by breaking the rules. He does this because he is looking for his own identity away from the group. The close up of Scott’s shoes when he dances show he is about to dance his ow n way.This demonstrates his desire for freedom and individual identity as well as his rebellion against a restrictive type of belonging. This gives us the understanding that when people wish to find their own identity they rebel and makes choices which can lead to exclusion. Scott’s costume is black pants and a white singlet which is what he wears when he dances his own steps. This indicates his difference to the group and the authenticity of his motivation as he attempts to create his own identity. Lighting affects the mood in the film and Scott is often shown in close ups with low key lighting which is more natural.In the scene where he dances in and out of the spotlight indicates his developing sense of independence from the group. Fran and Doug are two other characters who also do not belong to the ballroom dancing group. Fran is excluded because of her different attitudes to the others. Her costume is plain and simple. She wears a long T-shirt and black tights, large gla sses and no make-up. This is contrasted to the other women who wear a lot of bright make-up making them look false whereas Fran appears more natural and this makes her isolated from the group. Doug first appears as a dull man on the outside of the group.However, in these scenes we find out he also dances his own steps in the secrecy of the studio. He dances in the shadow and a single spotlight and quirky music which gives mystery and difference to his dancing. We are positioned to understand that not belonging can be caused by having different attitudes and values or it can be cause voluntary by not conforming to the rules. From the film’s opening sequence we learn that sometimes to belong to a group you have to lose your individual identity. If you rebel against conformity to a group it can result in isolation. You can also be excluded from a group due to different attitudes and values.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

E Bike Marketing Plan - 3132 Words

* EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : This marketing plan examines the launch of a human-electric hybrid bicycle called e-bike by the world’s largest motorcycle manufacturing company HONDA, in China. We all know that the Global Warming is a serious issue to be addressed. This is the right time to realize the importance of eco-friendly products to save the earth from global warming and its ill effects. Unfortunately the automobile emissions are the second largest contributors for the green house gases. Honda with a vision to become the world leader in environment and energy technologies launches this innovative and futuristic eco-friendly product called e-bike. This zero CO2 emission mobility is certainly a head turner which is stolen from the future,†¦show more content†¦This boom was triggered by Chinese local governments efforts to restrict motorcycles in city centers to avoid traffic disruption and accidents. By late 2009 motorcycles are banned or restricted in over ninety major Chinese cities. Users began replacing traditional bicycles and motorcycles and, in e-bike became an alternative to commuting by car. * LEGAL AND REGULATORY FORCES - In China electric bikes currently come under the same classification as bicycles and hence dont require a drivers license to operate. Previously it was required that users registered their bike in order to be recovered if stolen, although this has recently been abolished. Due to a recent rise in electric-bicycle-related accidents, caused mostly by inexperienced riders who ride on the wrong side of the road, run red lights, dont use headlights at night etc., the Chinese government plans to change the legal status of illegal bicycles so that vehicles with an unladen weight of 20 kg or more and a top speed of 30kmh or more will require a motorcycle license to operate, while vehicles lighter than 20 kg and slower than 30kmh can be ridden unlicensed. In the southern Chinese cities of Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen, electric bicycles, like all motorcycles, are banned from certain downtown districts. There are also bans in place in small areas of Shanghai, Hangzhou and Beijing. * SWOT ANALYSIS – Strengths †¢ Honda Motor Company, Ltd has the abilityShow MoreRelatedE Bike Marketing Plan3122 Words   |  13 Pages* EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : This marketing plan examines the launch of a human-electric hybrid bicycle called e-bike by the world’s largest motorcycle manufacturing company HONDA, in China. We all know that the Global Warming is a serious issue to be addressed. This is the right time to realize the importance of eco-friendly products to save the earth from global warming and its ill effects. Unfortunately the automobile emissions are the second largest contributors for the green house gases. Honda withRead MoreCadbury1549 Words   |  7 Pagese.) 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Fidelity Is Not A Sense Of Fidelity - 2126 Words

Fidelity is faithfulness to a person, cause or belief demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. It seems that we as humans strive to obtain a sense of fidelity, yet they cannot when it comes to their relationships with others. Individuals are incapable of remaining committed in relationships. This has been proven through not only psychological research, but in literature as well. In the scholarly articles from Psychology Today, it states that Americans seem to value the idea of fidelity and faithfulness, but have a hard time achieving it. The researchers believe that individuals suffer from marital myths, that in turn can cause a partner to commit acts of adultery. This happened directly with the character John from The Miller’s†¦show more content†¦They find a different outlet for their need. Humans cannot seem to find happiness with only one person, they stray off showing that they cant be loyal or committed to anything in life. Temptation was also a resoundin g reason throughout the article. Individuals see someone else, who they may see as a challenge or simply someone who draws their attention, and lack of better judgement kicks in. â€Å"†¦Many of us are tempted by the delights of the new, especially those of the sexual variety.† People become unsatisfied and indulge in pleasure with a new partner. According to the researchers, individuals seem to be incapable of following through to the promises they made to their significant other. The vow of for better or for worse seems to be forgotten because they cannot commit to the meaning behind those words. They contradict themselves, they say they love their partner, but are unfaithful behind their back. But sometimes infidelity can root in simply just not being happy with who you are with anymore. They just don t make you feel the way you felt when you had first gotten together. The relationship is no longer enjoyable and becomes a burden. Essentially, individuals are susceptib le to cheat, and sometimes the temptation and curiosity becomes too overwhelming to fight. Many of these ideas are